Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mining has to stop...

Article/Blog by: Tiffanie Bejar

Mining has to stop! But why should it be stopped?

The effects of mining are drastic effects on both man and nature alike.  According to is the extraction of valuable minerals, liquids and gases from the earth which are present as orebodies, veins, seams or liquids. Mining is required to obtain any non-renewable resource that can’t be grown or created artificially in a factory or laboratory.

Below, we found some negative and positive effects of mining. We will enumerate these one by one.

First, is the Positive effects.

Positive Effects

  • It can help improve the economy of the country.
  • Provides employment to some individuals.
  • Provides minerals/metals that could be exported.
  • Provides infrastructure to remote areas in the country.

(Photo from: The Photo Above shows some examples of gems

There are some positive effects (as mentioned above) which is mostly takes effect on people and mostly for economic reasons.
Now let's see the negative effects of mining.

Negative Effects

  • Fatalities and injures to miners.
  • Chemical pollution
  • Massive destruction of flora (plants) and fauna (animals)
  • The emergence of rock dumps, tailings dams that some people consider unsightly. 

Is mining really necessary? We should think twice and think of the consequences we and the future generations will have to face.

So I team up with my two friends so that even in our small ways, we could stop mining one step at a time. In the posts below, we will show you what we plan on doing just to make this stop.

Fundraising Plans

Fundraising head: Lean Obial

Fundraising Plans

- Make people aware the mining problem
- To promote a healthy lifestyle through the cupcakes

(Original Photo of the cupcakes before its going in the oven)

We will make Cheese Carrot Cupcake for attracting people about the mining problem. With the cupcake we will also be able to fill a lot of people stomachs while we are talking about the mining and more and more people would be aware. At the same time the cupcake is healthy because it has cheese, cheese has calcium which strengthens the bones. The cupcake also has carrots which has fiber and may reduce cholesterol.

We chose to make cupcakes instead of other pastries because we have tested this product and was also used in our other past projects which turned out to be successful.

We would sell these cupcakes in places where there are many people to see our project, like the mall, market, etc.

Mining is really a threat to the environment. So we would like to make people aware by giving away cupcakes.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Slogans by: Artes Balaoing

5 Original Slogans
We made slogans to make the people more aware. Whether young or old and how simple these slogans are, it conveys an important message which is to stop mining in the country.

I think the idea of mining is that it is treacherous and that it could ruin someone's life. Minings can cause landslides which, also can kill hundreds or even thousands of people. The idea of the slogans is to stop people from mining. To keep people safe and prevent them from getting hurt. There is a big number of people mining. It is because they are doing it for their family. To feed them and to have earned money. The only way to make themselves live.But then again, it could ruin everyone's lives.